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Every Picture Tells a Story

An enlightening eight-part series, in which art critic, Waldemar Januszczak, sets out to unlock the hidden meanings contained within some of the world’s most famous paintings. The answers will shock and surprise you.

1. The Tempest, by Giorgione
2. The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Tulp, by Rembrandt
3. Mr and Mrs Andrews, by Gainsborough
4. The Birth of Venus, by Botticelli
5. Boy Bitten by Lizard, by Caravaggio
6. Le Dejeuner Sur L’Herbe, by Manet
7. The Mona Lisa, by Da Vinci
8. The Arnolfini Marriage, by Van Eyck

DVD £21.99

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Every Picture Tells a Story from ZCZ Films on Vimeo.