Interesting Films about Art & Travel

Showing all 24 results

  • Art of the Night
  • Baroque: From St. Peter's to St. Paul's
  • Beijing Swings
  • Big Sky, Big Dreams, Big Art: Made in the USA
  • The Cowboy and the Eclipse
  • The Dark Ages: An Age of Light
  • Every Picture Tells a Story
  • GAUGUIN: The Full Story
  • Handmade in Bolton
  • The Happy Dictator
  • Hawkwind: Do Not Panic
  • Holbein: Eye of the Tudors
  • The Impressionists: Painting & Revolution
  • Kazakhstan Swings
  • The Lost Genius of British Art: William Dobson
  • The Lost Supper
  • Mad Tracey From Margate
  • MANET: The Man Who Invented Modern Art
  • Mary Magdalene: Art’s Scarlet Woman
  • The Michelangelo Code: Lost Secrets of the Sistine Chapel
  • The Mystery of the Nativity
  • Paradise Found
  • Puppy Love
  • The Renaissance Unchained
  • Rococo: Travel, Pleasure, Madness
  • Rubens: An Extra Large Story
  • The Sculpture Diaries
  • Sickert vs Sargent
  • Supercities UK
  • TOULOUSE LAUTREC: The Full Story
  • Travels in Virtual Japan
  • The Truth About Art
  • Ugly Beauty
  • VINCENT: The Full Story